Indie rock cover band ‘Punch The Air‘ bass player (And lead singer) Andrew Starkey is a massive fan of The Smiths. Andy Rourke is one of Andy’s favourite bass players ever and one of the reasons Andrew Starkey picked up the bass guitar and plays a Fender Precision. Along with Morrissey, Johnny Marr and Mike Joyce, The Smiths were a huge influence on Andy growing up. So Andrew decided to help others out who want a bass guitar lesson Barbarism Begins At Home to learn a bit of the funkiness of Mr Rourke and so created this instructional video. To book an indie rock cover band contact Andy for price and availability.
Bass Guitar Lesson Barbarism Begins At Home (The Smiths)
You can download & print out the bass tab to Barbarism Begins At Home to make it easier to play along to the above video.
Right click on each of the below and select ‘Save Link As’ to download the bass mp3 to Bass Guitar Lesson Barbarism Begins At Home to practice against. Each mp3 is repeated multiple times to save you rewinding.
1st – 20% Slower
2nd – 15% Slower
3rd – 10% Slower
4th – 5% Slower
5th – Normal Speed
How to get better at playing this bass line.
This is quite a tricky bass guitar line to master and it’s not one for complete novices. That said though, if you keep at it, start very slowly and over time build it up. You will nail it eventually. It’s as much about building up muscle memory on your bass guitar as much as anything else. Play it multiple times a day, then play it without looking over at your hands at all. When you’re not overly thinking about it anymore, that’s when you know you’ve got it licked. Do you know what bass guitar Andy Rourke from The Smiths is playing in the image below?
In comparison check out the video below of what this song would have sounded like if Andy had just played root notes throughout. What a different vibe and VERY boring eh?…..yawn

Andy Starkey is also available to give bass guitar lessons in and around the Lichfield, Staffordshire area. Find out more about what Andy can teach you on the Lichfield Bass Guitar Teacher page. Andy works on his own unique way of teaching which doesn’t involve learning notes or theory. It’s just about working out how to play your favourite bass lines and enjoying yourself. What could be a better way of learning how to play an instrument than from someone who performs live for a living? Are you a big fan of Andy The Smiths too?