Book musicians for a Browsholme Hall Tithe Barn Wedding Band in Clitheroe and professional party band Punch The Air will make sure your wedding reception goes off with the loudest of bangs. All guests of all ages will be dancing and singing along to chart hits by Queen, George Ezra, Blink 182, Wheatus, The Beatles, Neil Diamond, Coldplay and more from our wedding repertoire. Two live performances or one long set? We don’t mind either way, it’s your special day so you decide and have it your way. Contact band leader Andy Starkey to hire a Clitheroe wedding band.

Book a Browsholme Hall Tithe Barn Wedding Band in Lancashire
Live video of Lancashire wedding band Punch The Air playing massive hits at a wedding reception party.
North West wedding band Punch The Air performing live at Browsholme Hall Tithe Barn Clitheroe
Lancashire wedding venue address:
Browsholme Hall & Tithe Barn
Clitheroe Road,
Cow Ark,
BB7 3DE,
United Kingdom